Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

HAPPY 2009!!!!!

Practically every year since I was in high school, I have gotten together on Christmas Eve with my friends Dana and Robyn. As boyfriends (who eventually turned into husbands) and children came along, the number of people we shared Christmas Eve with grew. This year, however, some kids (and parents) were sick, so we decided to delay it a week and get together on New Year's Eve.

Abby had fun at her first New Year's Eve party at the Kirby's. She enjoyed opening Christmas presents, eating fondue, and ringing in 2009. This party was special because we rang in the new year at 8pm. Most of the kids could not tell time, so they had no idea that it was not midnight. And for the older girls who could tell time, it was as simple as changing the time on the clock on the microwave- and turning off the tv, so they had no idea that the ball wasn't dropping for another 4 hours.

This was our attempt at getting 7 girls- from ages 9 to 15 months- to pose for a picture. As you can see, it wasn't very successful. The little ones began to wander. I think Abby was heading for more chocolate fondue.

1 comment:

Dana said...

It was a great night! While I'm sad we missed Christmas Eve, it was a great way to (almost) ring in a new year. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2009.